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- 건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose Blossom)Current speed
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Cumulative views 14,865,62110m views 20m views - 뜨거워지자 (Let It Burn)Current speed
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Cumulative views 11,088,15110m views 20m views - Re: Thinkin' About YouCurrent speed
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H1-KEY just like a little star shining in my sky, she doesn't like the sun which is so bright that it can catch everyone's attention. a little star, is struggling for bringing warmth and enthusiasm to everyone. although it chose a tough way at the beginning, although it met difficulties in its way, i insist that its light will reach everyone. that's what H1-KEY to me.💕💕
가장최근에 저장한 사진은 오늘의 여신님
정말정말정말 가고 싶었다 . 하이키가 언제 다시 제주도 오겠냐고 .. 🥺 나중에 또 오기 🥺🥺
#하이키#Thinkaboutyou#서이#리이나#휘서#옐#20240109 H1-key